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Dudjom Lingpa

Guru Padmasambhava had 25 main disciples in Tibet. Dudjom Lingpa  (1835-1904 C.E.) was the emanation of Kheuchung Lotsawa, one of these 25 disciples. His incarnation had been prophesied for centuries by many sublime beings, including Padmasambhava. During his lifetime. Dudjom Lingpa revealed the lineage known as the Dudjom Tersar, which  consists of a number of texts and 22 volumes of teachings. He stated that these teachings were especially profound and appropriate for these degenerate times. Following this fresh and undiluted path, 13 of Dudjom Lingpa’s disciples attained rainbow body in their own lifetimes, and a thousand others attained the level of rigdzin, or “awareness holder.”

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