May the Year of the Male Wood Dragon bring you good health, joy, and may all your aspirations be fulfilled. Tashi Delek!!!
Season’s Greetings
Wishing you happy holidays and a new year filled with peace, prosperity and spiritual growth.
May All Beings Benefit
Regular Practice Schedule for 2024:
Welcome to our ongoing regular practices at Odiyana Institute led by Tulku Orgyen Rinpoche.
All regular events are held both online and in person.
Every Sunday practice starts at 10AM PST
Alternatively, Chenrezig, Green Tara, Medicine Buddha practice
Regular Tsok days: Guru Rinpoche day and Dakini day.
We practice at 6pm PST. Please check out the Tsok schedule.
Guru Rinpoche Day practice with Tsok at 6 pm PST:
Jan. 9th, Feb.7th
Dakini Day practice with Tsok at 6 pm PST:
Jan. 24th, Feb. 22nd
We are very pleased to announce that Tulku Orgyen Rinpoche is offering in-depth instruction and guidance on Ngondro (the Vajrayana Preliminaries), and other related subjects, for an extended period of time. Teachings are ongoing.
If you are interested in receiving these precious teachings, please register for the class by filling out this form: https://forms.gle/e7ijrgNkoWfKgWN3A
Online Practice Zoom Link
for Sunday, and Tsok days
Meeting ID: 881 5151 0400
Passcode: Chenrezig
One tap mobile
+16699009128,,88151510400# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,88151510400# US (Tacoma)
In Person
1524 Anacapa Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101

All events are free and open to the public. As a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization (EIN: 46-2587112) we rely on donations to fund all our activities, we do welcome offerings.
May this benefit all beings!!!